For decades, most commercially available opals have, for the most part come from either Australia or Mexico. Occasionally you'll see a precious opal from Brazil and a few come from Russia, Peru and even the United States. Recently we are seeing more and more jewelry grade opals coming from Ethiopia. In the 1990's opal began coming on the market from the Yeta Ridge area. This opal occured inside of ryolite nodules, kind of like little geodes, usually a couple of inches across. Most of the nodules, which just look like roundish, gray rocks, have no opal inside. Mo

A couple of years ago, Opal was been discovered in the Gondar Desert region of Ethiopia. It is seam opal, more like what is found in Australia or Brazil. And just in the last few months, opal has started coming from Welo, Ethiopia. It displays very bright, broadflash fire and is quickly becoming very popular.
Ethiopian opal has a reputation for being unstable, meaning that it has a tendency to crack or "craze". As with all opal, some is more stable than others. But if the stone is properly evaluated, cured and cut you can end up with good, stable gemstones that are truly spectacular! The opal from Welo is supposed to be very stable, but even opal from the same field can vary from piece to piece. Ideally, opal should not be boug

Ethiopia is producing a great variety of opal for jewelry and collectors. There is some beautiful Ethiopian, orange, fire opal that looks just like Mexican fire opal. I have seen base colors of white, yellow, clear, brown and orange with a full spectrum of fire colors. There are also "contra luz" opals from Ethiopia which show no fire when viewed from some angles, but vivid color when light hits them from the side. Some of the opal from Ethiopia is called "hydrophane" opal. Hydrophane, when it is dried out is opaque, usually white. But if soaked in water it becomes transparent!
Cut and rough Ethiopian opals for sale
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